First Name
Last Name
State (If you operate in multiple states, select one on which to base the analysis)
Wash Name
What is your typical churn rate (the percentage of members canceling their plan each month)? 0-3% 4-7% 8-12% More than 12% I don't know
What is your typical capture rate (the percentage of non-member customers you’re converting to members)? 0-5% 6-10% 11-15% 16-20% More than 20% I don't know
What percentage of your total traffic comes from members vs retail customers? 0-20% 21-40% 41-60% 61-80% 81-100% I don't know
What percentage has your membership base grown over the past year? Stayed the same 1-5% 6-20% 21-40% 41-60% 61-80% 81-100% More than 100% My membership has decreased I don't know
Have you run a membership promotion in the last year? Yes No
What discount did you run (e.g. first month $9.99, etc.)
What month(s) did you run the promotion?
How successful do you consider that promotion?
Is there anything else you’d like us to know about the metrics above?